Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hindu Religion and it's existance

 Hindu Religion and it's existance

 Historically hindu religion is popular,old,moderate and diverse religion. It has a long past. Documentaly hindu religion is the most ancient religion among all prime and prominent religions. But now a days , it's popularity and activity is decling in the world. A lot of reasons behind this. I will describe it time to time. Some causes are religious,some are environmental and some are behavorial.

1. Quantity: The quantity of hindu religion members is declinng day by day. The birth rate amongs hindu's is not very high. Birth rate is a problem among them.They are not sincere about their quantity in the world as well as their existance. Total hindu religious people are about 1.1 billion and 15.1 % among total population(according to wikipedia).

2. Lack of religious knowledge: Most of the Hindus have no proper knowledge about their religion and religious rituals. That is the big problem . There are many reasons such as scarcity of religious learning centre, scarcity of religious books, scarcity of religious teacher, lack of egarness of learning religious teachings, lack of awareness and lack of belief.

3. Spiritual Leader: Spiritual strong leader is a important factor in this religion. Leader has the dictational power . People believe him. But a fake leader may cause a worse situation in the society or a religion. So, hindu's has lack of real religious ideal and dedicated leader.

4. Diversity: Diversity is a another problem in Hinduism. There are lot of Gods or Godesses. Diversity creates ununiformity in hiduism. Many religious leaders create diverse religious norms and rules as well as rituals. These diverse ideals bring chaos in the hiindu community.

5.Indifference to religion: Some hindus are indifference to their religion . They have no interest to religion.So, it is a big problem. It is not legitimate but it is increasing day by day .Thats why, it is the matter of thinking.There are some strong causes like busyness,no proper way to pray,lack of guidelines,less necessity etc.

6. Lack of integrity: Integrity is a important factor . Total senario shows that integrity is falling from religious view. It is alarmingly increasing. Integrity plays a important role to develop a community. Integrity building is chain work and long term process. From childhood to old age ,it is a ongoing process. Building integrity activities are poor among hindu community.

7.Lack of dedicated people: Dedicated people are needed for community development and religious preaching.

8.Propensity of belief: The propensity of belief is less then other religion in hindu religion. They have no idea about  the importance of  deepthness of belief on hindu rituals and ideals. So, it should enhance more and more to as much as possible.

9. Lack of strong organization: Strong organization is necessary for developing hindu community in a organized way. One strong organization of hindu religion should

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